There is an overload of books and information out there about pregnancy. You can google ANYTHING and get 30 responses instantaneously. Such as:
1. Jenny McCarthy taught me I would pee when I sneeze or cough too hard. (btw if you haven’t read this book, buy it IMMEDIATELY on AMAZON i literally read in all in ONE DAY).
2. Everyone told me I would cry and be hormonal. Like, cry because my waiter called me the wrong name. More like bawled. Poor Claudio had to sit and deal with the looks from onlooking tables like I was a poor abused wife.
3. That the breast feeding nazis and super psycho mom patrol would appear and hound me. I was ACTUALLY just yelled out by an older lady for walking TOO CLOSE to the street on the sidewalk the other day. Like really lady? Do you want to come and cut up my steak for lunch and feed me as well to make sure it’s not too PINK for you?
But what NO ONE TOLD ME was that CRIBS TAKE 8-12 weeks for delivery.
I mean, I thought I was doing great! I had my health insurance set up, Claudio and I had moved into an AMAZING luxury building right next to the park so I can walk the baby, with a DOORMAN for security, I had registered and set dates and locations for BOTH baby showers and had survived the anxiety of holding out finding out the gender of our little baby boy until the gender reveal party.
And it never ends. Now, HOW could I have possibly waited until I was 6 months to order a crib? Didn’t I know I could possibly not have it in time?
NO. NO ONE TOLD ME I would been branded a bad mom already by not having a crib READY! (BTW for you first time moms: you don’t actually NEED a crib for the first few days aways. Chances are you’ll be using a bassinet, or like me, the Fisher Price Rock n Play ***see below*** so you won’t be chained up and stoned for NOT having a crib the day your baby comes home. And just so you know, I have heard from mom after mom that this is THE one item you need to buy. It’s a life saver, and babies will fall right asleep. As for if it really works for me? Well, you’ll have to wait a few more months…) BUT, it’s better to not have to deal with trying to have it delivered/pieced together once baby is here, screaming, hungry and unable to leave your arms.
So anyways. That’s my piece of advice for you. Go CRIB SHOPPING NOW. TODAY. ONLINE WHILE YOU”RE AT WORK! ASAP! SOSSSSS! jk. But you should probably swing by a Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby this weekend if you get a chance.
Picking out Cribs.
I mean, the worst part about registering is the critics and reviews. Absolutely NOTHING pleases everyone so no matter WHAT you buy, some one is going to turn their nose up to it. All that matters is that YOU LOVE IT. Think about it – everything in the stores being sold is going to be up to par with all regulations and codes or it’s SHOCKER! not going to BE IN THE STORE FOR SALE.
And stop losing sleep over recalls. They happen. I mean look how we grew up. I don’t even think i HAD a crib, I am pretty sure I used to sleep in the feed trophs while my grandparents were milking the cows at 4 am, and I survived. Ok probably not, but you get the idea. Everyone is a little overboard with safetly these days, which is a GOOD thing, but I highly doubt you’re gonna walk into Macy’s and buy a crib that’s condemmed. PHEW.
So with that, Claudio and I decided to splurge (BRACE YOURSELF FIRST TIME PARENTS), and when I say splurge I mean buying a $1,000 crib. Now this might not be for everyone (I already see some of you sticking your noses up!), but we went with an investment. What did $1,000 get us?
1. Real Wood. Personally I am not a fan of fake wood. I chewed on a few trees growing up and it wasn’t too bad, in fact I liked leaving little soft teeth indents as mile markers that I was there. I was also a tom boy. I didn’t however chew on chemicals.
2. Sturdy. If you know me and Claudio, we stand to have one wild child brewing, so real wood = strong. Have you ever moved Ikea furniture around your room and see it wobble after a few times? Yeah, I don’t need my boy wobbling his crib apart like the 504 Boys in the middle of the night.
3. Investment. We bought the rails to extend the crib to a toddler day bed, and then a full-size bed. Pretty much meaning this boy will be using this frame until college.
So here it is: the beautiful crib from Behr’s Furniture in Long Island (if you live in the area, I highly recommend the store they have a HUGE selection). We got it 10% off, saved $125 on delivery and decided to pick it up ourselves and put that money towards the rails to extend it’s life line. Overall cost = $1200. (It’s hard to tell from the photo, but the wood color is actually amazing – it has specks of dark brown within it so it matches light and dark. Or blue for boy. However please look past the bedding that I did NOT pick up. yuck).
We’ll see if it lives up to it’s potential value. 🙂
Love the crib; its beautiful!
Thank you!!
i have a rock and play sleeper! its the best thing ever. if i could pick only one baby item i cannot live without, it would be the rock and play sleeper. they fall asleep and you can pick them up and move the from room to room in it. Also if you are traveling, it folds up so nice to take with you. GREAT CHOICE on that one!
That’s what I hear, Steph! Good to know, and I am excited to use it!
There was no doubt you two would have excellent taste in furniture!
LOVE IT! And not too shabby on the rock and play sleeper either – your research skills are showing!
I thought you and gram would love my reference to cows growing up haha