Well if you DIDN’T already know – Thanksgiving 2013 is here. It’s that one time a year when us selfish, entitled Americans actually decide to ‘give thanks’ to all the things we have. Such as affording ‘organic’ foods, $5 lattes, $500 iphones and well, us New Yorkers – $3000 a month rents. Yes, you can re-read that it’s correct.
I admit it – I don’t appreciate all the things I am surrounded with daily either. But we should because our kids are growing up to feel entitled to them. I remember when I was a kid circling all the toys I wanted in the JC Penney WISH LIST catalog that came in the mail. It was ENORMOUS – I mean bigger than the NYC tri-state area phone book. I would spend an entire evening slowly flipping through all the pages, reading all the details, wondering if THESE outfits were better than THOSE outfits for my barbies. Did I want a Barbie camper or a convertible? I said OR. Not AND.
It worries me because I feel like Maximo will start to grow up thinking – well everyone ELSE at school has their own ipads so why don’t I??? And then here I am – the bad mom making my kid look ‘unfortunate’ for not having one.
When did it get this bad?
I guess you just roll with the times, but I can’t imagine asking my parents for $500 iphones, ipads, video consoles, Louis Vuitton book bags and more. I didn’t even KNOW what Louis Vuitton was when I was growing up – they don’t exactly have a store in the Sharon Mall. Heck, we didn’t even have MACY’S back then! I thought it was cool to shop at JC Penney and Sears! (ear muffs fashionistas).
So I just wanted to take a step back today and remember where I came from. I have come so far, and really DO need to give thanks for ALL the amazing blessings in my life, but I think we need to remember the REAL thanks to give – not the superficial ones. Yes I am thankful to have all the latest Apple products to sit here and type this, but I am also thankful for my support system of friends and family who have got me here. Those who have seen me at my best AND my worst – who deal with my attitude and anger – who never hit mute when I call because they know I must really need something.
Not too long ago I spent Thanksgiving alone. Every year. In fact I spent all holidays alone or working behind the bar because I was the only one who didn’t have somewhere to be. I watched and learned a lot of sad, lonely faces on Christmas Eve those nights.
Of course I was invited to share in the feast and holidays with many friends, but I just never felt right going to see others. I would enjoy the day off to do nothing – and make some food and watch movies all day on the couch until my roommates would return with an abundance of leftovers. They understood, and they still do. Hence why they are still a couple of my closest friends (and one is Maximo’s godmother).
Genuine Kindness
So the other Day I came across this blog about a local Astoria girl, Single Girl Cookies, who was baking cookies and taking them to businesses in the area, just because. She would drop them off, tell them to think about who should receive her next batch, and would be back in a week to pick up the plate and get their answer. I was so intrigued I asked her to meet me one day for coffee.
Like me, she was a small town girl who wanted to find and keep the sense of community in this overpopulated city. She wasn’t asking for money or fame, just to remind others that a simple kind gesture can go a long ways. Some of the businesses didn’t accept her easily or at all. Being New Yorkers their entire lives, they were CONVINCED she had an ulterior motive and would be looking for something in return. She wasn’t – all she wanted was for them to recommend who else in the community deserved some homemade cookies. You can read all Renee’s colorful stories on her blog, Single Girl Cookies, here.
Anyways – My Point Is
I spend A LOT of days being that angry New Yorker, not appreciating the fact that I even have a car let alone the $40 to park it in the city some days just because it’s easier that carrying 50 lbs in a stroller up and down subway stairs, and overall just taking for granted all the nice things my friends, neighbors and especially Claudio do for me on a daily basis.
She inspired me to want to be a better person – to not always think someone is out to get me (even though in NYC 99% of the time they are! LOL), to do something for others just because, and to show Maximo that there is more than just typing away on my computer and iphone all day.
Trust me, I KNOW It’s EFFIN HARD, but if we keep going at the rate we’re going – we’re just going to burn out and crash. Then what good of a mom am I? So starting now, I am going to spend the rest of the day and weekend baking and cooking with Maximo for my neighbors and family and friends. I am going to turn off the cell phone, not answer emails, and really spend QUALITY time with my son. Let him see me just hanging out with him – and wanting nothing in return.
Signing off – Stephanie
Looking for more baking recipes?
Check out my Apple Cider Apple Pie Recipe!
Easy Mini Peach, Almond Brie and Honey Pies
Looking for more kids holiday events?
6 Reasons to Visit the Queens County Farm Museum
Holiday Photo Shoots at Brooklyn Bridge Park and Jane’s Carousel
Watch for more upcoming posts – or check out the Mommy Nearest App for my weekend events guides!
You have made me tear up! Happy Thanksgiving LP! I love you like a sister. So thankful for you, Max and Claudio. Send everyone my love! Xoxo
Love you too LP! xoxo Happy first Thanksgiving with your new little sweetie poo!