It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and as I listen to Christmas music on Pandora and bake an apple pie for tomorrow at Claudio’s family —as a ZOMBIE thanks to no sleep Mr. Maximo!— I figured I should talk thanks. Of course I am extremely grateful and thankful for my little family – we are very blessed. And yes, Claudio – I am thankful you can be such a cool dad. haha – that’s a given. However today I am thankful for ‘mom.’ Now, you can define mom how you want, probably your mother, but here is mine – Mrs. Jamie Fichera Platz.
We always referred to Jamie as ‘mom’ in college – she was a couple years older than us and that made her wise and cultured, especially in Clarion to a bunch of little ladies! She always got the final opinion on going out outfits, would do our hair, hold it back when we came home wasted, and even cooked us a hot meal (ok, well walking over to Wendy’s counts in college!). We all even witnessed 9/11 together and huddled in our apartment watching in horror as life as we knew it was unraveling. However, mom always made us feel better. Always.
Mom has lived up to her name as we have grown up as well, now being the ‘mom’ I always turn to for my own mom advice with Maximo. Actually all four of us roomies are now moms, (I am the last to joing the club)… and I love having my little mom club on alert shall I need it – Asking if it’s okay to bathe him at 2 weeks, can I put lotion on his skin? It’s 3 am – how long should I burp him? Is it okay that he’s spitting up? Can I sleep? Will he CHOKE?? Is my hair going to fall out? Will I ever lose the baby weight? SOS MOMMMMMM! Mom always understands and responds – even though she has two kids of her own, even though it may be 5 am. She is SUPER MOM!!!
My point is – I think every mom needs their own ‘mom’ – someone they can turn to at any time and ask any questions without feeling stupid to ask it. No judgement is necessary for the first few months as a mom, and you need to have someone on speed dial – or speed text like me haha.
Mom came to visit last week and I showed her “the REAL New York” – brunch in Ft. Greene, Brooklyn flea market (BTW we’re going to be on HGTV for their flea market show in March!!!), tour of Long Island City views and of course, my tiny little awesome apartment.
She met Maximo for the first time, and we spent the day catching up like old times. I, of course, had questions as always – including – how do I get Maximo to start sleeping better???!!!! This kid is in his 4-month regression – waking at almost every hour. FML. Hungry? Teething??????
order his Sophie the Teether here he LOVES it
Mom said to try a little rice cereal in his nightly bottle. And maybe let him chew on some cold solid foods. Ok, so how do I do THAT?? Give the kid a carrot? Actually, yes! Then she pointed out these – little tiny mesh holders that Maximo can hold on to, and shove in his mouth without being able to get any real food though and choke. So now, thanks to mom, he is a frozen banana addict!
Anyways, I thought I should pass on mom’s words of wisdom and let new moms know to go and get these immediately! You can put any food in them you want – and baby can’t choke on it, but he can get the taste of real food. (I was told as well that you should only introduce one food at a time for at least 3 days in a row at first— if baby has any reactions to it, you’ll be able to identify the culprit!) And the facial expression he makes at first is PRICELESS – I recommend frozen banana pieces of course (NOTE: make sure you peel and cut up the banana before freezing! A whole frozen banana isn’t easy to chop up!) P.S. You can click the image to order online! Thank me (actually ‘mom’) later!
What are you thankful for?
She is PRETTY amazing!! A “mom” for me, away from my own amazing mom. Thanks “Mom”…u are so incredible, in so many ways!! We love you! (love one of the three daughters:)
haha awww Chris – I am thankful for you too ya know! I don’t forget those precious 5 am moments we share as well – thanks for always listening 🙂
LOL….I used these for both girls and yes they are a life saver!! As always I loved the blog!
Thanks Heather! Let me know any other life saving tips that will help out! SOS!!! LOL –
You girls are the best! I have some awesome “daughters”! I am thankful for each of you…I’m a better person for knowing you! xoxo
I’m thankful for my “daughters “….haha! Love you and Maximo is so lucky to have you! Xoxo
Our “mom” sure was the best…..and still is even though we are all living our own crazy separate lives. Love and miss all you girls….sisters, mom, friends…..whatever you may be called, you 3 are priceless 🙂
We need to plan that reunion for this summer! NYC – mi Casa su Casa!