Yesterday we sat in Brooklyn and admired the Freedom Tower. I am sure every single New Yorker has as one point looked up at it and imagined seeing planes crashing right into it, even if they didn’t actually witness that moment 13 years ago. Just like sometimes when I have to go through the Lincoln Tunnel and it’s backed up, I get a little uneasy. So if you’re wondering – yes, we think about and remember 9/11 every single day here in NYC, not just on September 11th.
New Yorkers are resilient though – just two days ago I was in a bar downtown for a fashion show and saw a 9/11 poster hanging on the wall. I was walking past a fire house a few weeks ago and saw the Eagle, twin towers, and “Never Forget” mural painted on the front door. Trust us, we don’t forget. But that also doesn’t mean we’re going to live in fear of “what if” everyday or move out of the city we love.
Never Forget September 11
So say a little prayer for our city today, and for all the cities who have been hit with pain – whether it was a school shooting, the bombing at the Boston Marathon, or a drunk driver. Awful things happen everyday, and we all cross our fingers that we will never have to experience it ourselves, or our children, but it’s something we cannot truly protect them from as mothers, and I think that’s a fear we all struggle with.
Instead, cherish the freedoms we have that we do live in one of the safest countries in the world. Realize that many countries are pained and struggle every single day just to survive, let alone enjoy the luxuries that we have each day.
Let’s just try to be the role models our children can grow up to be – loving and strong, always there to help others if something goes wrong, but also to teach them that yes, bad things can happen. We will never forget, but we will learn from them, and we will go on.