“I’m young enough to know the right car to buy, yet grown enough not to put rims on it.”
Jay -Z said it best.
It’s time to get the vehicle that best suits your needs, looks good but is still practical. Luxury is something you can afford and deserve once you get a little older like myself. And Mazda does that well.
Gone are the days of having to roll down your own window, but now in the CX-5, so are turning on and off your brights. This SUV can auto sensor cars coming and dim your lights for you. Say what? Yes.
Also gone are the days of no car seats for kids, and to top it off – they now even get HEATED seats. That’s right, in the Mazda CX-5, heated seats aren’t reserved for the front row passengers only – but extends to keep those backseat bums warm on snowy rides to school.
Other little bells and whistles it comes with are heated steering wheels, the front window projections (so you can see your speed without looking down), as well as notifications when you are too close to a car or happen to cross the yellow line. Safer driving built in.
But is it too much?
It did scare me once when it slammed on the brakes automatically and started flashing red at me because it thought I was going to get into an accident when a car was too close. But this is crazy NYC driving – and clearly we were okay. The sensors are customizable, and you can turn them off as well. Meaning, you can have have them on super sensitive when your 95-year old aunt wants to take your car for a spin, but turn them down or off for everyday city driving when you are playing chicken with taxi drivers.
Overall, this has been one of my favorite vehicles to drive to date. Since we’re (sort of!) cruising the market for a possible vehicle after eight years without one, The Mazda CX-5 is topping my list so far.
Perks I also like:
- it has room to add a bike rack on the back for our road trips!
- believe it or not, the truck space is pretty spacious.
- connects to your phone when driving for non-distracted driving.
- while it will still be considered an oversized SUV for NYC parking, it’s actually quite compact and easy to park if you’re doing it yourself.
- while it doesn’t have four-wheel drive options, it does have the option for AWD as well as FWD (that’s all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive for your non-auto people).
- It gets about 31 MPG on the highway – that’s solid for a road trip from NYC to Pittsburgh. We only had to stop and fill up once along the way.
- Rain sensor wipers? Really? Yes, it’s a thing too!
Even the top of the line model, the Grand Touring only starts at $29,995 so it’s actually an affordable vehicle full of luxury. This coming from a girl who bought a Hummer for $50,000 that had NO exciting options back in 2008, this is the bargain of the year. Learn more about the Mazda CX-5 here, or follow along on social with #DriveMazda.