I like being a girl. I like shopping, I like getting my hair done, and I LOVE pedicures. I even like to pull the damsel in distress here and there to get a free coffee. I do NOT however, enjoy shopping for maternity clothes. I understand “your body is changing and is in a beautiful transition for creating life! Embrace your new curves!” But I don’t know ONE female who enjoys having to up-size her closet. Especially someone who hasn’t in years, and has been content with being a 2 (ok 4, size 6 when PMSing).
So the moment I couldn’t button my Express work shirts anymore, we had a problem. In fact, I had a full-blown breakdown complimented with tears in front of C who just didn’t understand why I couldn’t find “one thing to wear.” After greasing myself up into some leggings and a make-shift dress turned tunic, we finally headed to dinner, eyes still puffy.
The next day, I headed into the world of “maternity shopping.” Now let me preface again that I ALREADY had a breakdown. So mothers-to-be PREPARE yourself before walking into Pea in a Pod. Nothing in there is under $200. Such as, a-plain-white-tee-with-glitter-that-you-will-never-wear-again-and-is-ugly-and-would-only-be-sold-at-Fashion-Bug. (yes, please Google “Fashion Bug” as I am sure you’ve never heard of it – for a reason). Ok ok, they do have some cute clothes, but I mean, not worth $200. Maybe a dress I would see at Target and allow $30 for. I was fighting back tears again. Giltter? Teddy Bears and checkered dresses for the price I used to pay for designer jeans? Heartbreaking.
So I gave up and went to the mall—for a piece of pizza. And decided to walk into one of my staple stores, H&M. Well, let me just let you in on a little secret. If you’ve never been pregnant, you’ve never noticed before that H&M is a wonderland of long, stretchy items; from dresses to tunic to tank tops to work shirts—all under the price of $30 each! I was in heaven again. I triumphantly marched to the fitting room with an arm-full of animal prints, bolds, and textures. Needless to say, I now award myself an H&M walk through once a week if I walk all the way to the store on 57th and Lexington from work. Winning!
I also want to point out that, yes thanks to Regina for pointing out, I live in leggings. It’s winter, and I have a belly. Jeans are reserved for fun nights out only, which these days are less than more. But thanks to American Apparel, you can rock leggins in style. IN EVERY color. I have bight red, bold blue, and the traditional black. So let it be known! I HAVE prevailed as an up-and-coming mom! I can still be trendy AND pregnant AND comfortable—all for a price I don’t feel bad about.
P.S. I also found this amazing RED SCARF at American Apparel. If you’re looking for the perfect red infinity scarf, this is it. Color, texture and size all come together to create this beautiful, flawless scarf of infinite capabilities. And you can use it for Valentine’s Day. (or a superman costume…)
I love you. That is all.
Oh, and I totally know what Fashion Bug is…