Remember that huge bed bug scare of 2010? The one so bad you stopped going to movie theaters and didn’t want to “check” your coat at restaurants and almost fought people for bushing up against you on the subway? I still shudder at those days. Thankfully they were PM (Pre-Maximo).
But as one nightmare fades, another will follow. Along with school comes lice. And it’s inevitable. Short of scalping our children, thankfully now there are natural products that actually DETER bugs. Can you believe it? Mosquitos actually hate eucalyptus and lice hate rosemary. Thankfully I happen to actually love both. And thankfully also fellow NYC mom and friend, Risa Barbash, created a hairline that is proven to be lice-repelling. I have dug deep to the root of the problem, literally by asking multiple moms from Manhattan to Brooklyn and they’ve all said the same thing – the only real product that prevented lice for them was Fairytales. It’s become a staple in their homes, and when NYC moms find something that is willing to take up coveted space in our tiny apartments, I want to know why.
So, here I am to pass on the knowledge to other fellow moms to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You laugh, but I really do take my job seriously. If they say it’s natural – we need to make sure it’s not going to do anything if it accidentally gets sprayed in your mouth. If they say Rosemary repels lice, well, we really have no problem on giving a little spritz as the kids rush out the door on the way to school in the morning. Lice still come to Pre-K, right?
RELATED: 5 Mom-Approved Organic Products for Mom and Baby
All great products ARE products of horror stories. If some little girl somewhere didn’t have to get her hair chopped off because of lice, if someone didn’t see their bleach blonde hair turn green in a chlorine pool, we wouldn’t have these products today to save our luscious locks from the fears of scissors and bad hair dyes. So thank you, to those who have looked lice right in the face and said, “not my child’s hair!” Thank you Risa for researching natural products that *shocker!* work to do what they say they will.
I always love to highlight a great story with a bad one. The ladies behind Fairytales are the real deal, and we laughed till we cried over painful mom moments. Of course, the drinking and mixing cocktails (that included the natural ingredients of Fairytales) didn’t help! Mom-to-mom conversation is more real than the word on the street. We have seen it all – and are willing to share our helpless moments in the hopes that it could save just one other mom from the pains of #firstworld life. So here it is, straight up:
- Prep for lice. Just like your next birthday, it’s something you just can’t pretend won’t finally roll around. Fairtales Rosemary Repel smells (and tastes) like Rosemary and has been tested on the hard streets of NYC since 1999 (ahem, that’s my high school graduation year). If you don’t trust that as much as
- Bugs rule the world. It’s their world and we just live in it. You will never escape them unless you live in a bubble. But bugs don’t like eucalyptus or lemon, so do yourself a favor and have some Bug Bandit in your bag. If you’re freaking of the Zika, it’s at least going to give you some peace of mind. As much as living in NYC on a daily basis can at least. And they even have a bed bug spray – just in case 2010 makes a comeback.
- Sun damage is real. You put SPF on your skin, but you neglect your hair and wonder why it looks like straw in all your Instagram photos. Lemon-Aid those locks, or have some of this Lifeguard Shampoo on deck if you have ombre blonde hair like Khloe Kardashian. That all-inclusive resort MIGHT not be keeping up with the chemicals – and the last thing you want in the Caribbean is green hair.
Oh, I’m sorry, you got all the way to the end just because you were looking for that fabulous drink recipe I was talking about? Here it is:
What a nicely written post. Lice are just one of the things I hope my daughters wont have to experience. Luckily this product is combative on lice and gentle on the hair!