There are two types of eaters in the world – those who have to separate their food and those who love to just make a huge pile and dive in. I am the latter – the more food the better and let all the flavors run together.
That’s why it’s hard during the holidays for me to make just ONE cookie. I end up slaving away all day with thousands of ingredients to make cookies from gingerbread to cranberry with icing. It’s taken over my life, so I realized there had to be a better idea. And there is.
What happened to these anyways? It’s a brilliant idea. You get a group of moms/neighbors/friends and you each pick a different cookie. Then you just bake bake bake your hearts content and then all get together and swap them up. The more people you have involved the more variety. That’s like music to my ears.
So now that you’re making ONE cookie – the real hard part is deciding which one that will be. And Krusteaz is making that easy for you – they have a HOLIDAY COOKIE HELPER quiz that will lead you down the path of confectioner success. Mine of course came out to classic sugar cookies with buttercream icing. SHOCKER.
So don’t be afraid of the cookie this year – share the love (and work!) with fellow bakers and join in the festivities. Don’t worry – those calories don’t count until January 1!