Ok Pittsburgh don’t get mad – but really, Pittsburgh has zero fashion. I can say that, I didn’t get dressed for over 10 years. I lived in Terrible Towel skirts, fake tans and white eyeliner. Oh stop it – you know you did too. If you still are, well….. my point.
So then I up and moved to the most fashionable place on earth – NYC. Thank god I live in Queens and rock Steeler tees at the playground with (not too much) judgment. No heels happening over here.
Now that I am a mom- you want me to find time to shop, dress and wear heels running down Madison Avenue? LOL. Again, thank god I Live in Queens. Queens just ups your street cred. What? You think I have to live in Brooklyn or the Bronx to have street cred? NAS, RUN DMC, Pharell, and Nicki Minaj are all from Queens.
So what do they all have in common? Hip-hop style. Yes, I am going to refer to it as this, because “hip hop” is NOT dead as NAS said – it is alive and well – in chillin Astoria Park.
How To ADD “Flavor” To Your Mom Style
I am going to let you into a little secret: NYC taught me to plan my ENTIRE OUTFIT AROUND A PAIR OF SHOES. Yes, thank you Carrie Bradshaw. However, this misconception is that it HAS to be HEELS. SO NOT TRUE.
#1 – Converse. Simple, gray trainers.
You can find my exact pair here for only $60!
They pair perfectly with leggings for quick trips to the playground or doctor appointments. No socks required however a teenie bit of attitude an maybe a Free People hat are good for topping them off.
They are also quite comfortable and relaxing when you are dealing with a mini breakdown from your toddler. No one wants to face a meltdown in Manolos.
Or – they always look pimp when pushing a stroller. These shoes screeeeeeeam I AM NOT A TOURIST when walking in Central Park. Highly recommend to keep the horse buggy and rickshaw cart salesmen away.
#2 Reebok’s AK Court Wedge’s by Alicia Keys.
You can get these on Amazon for only $89 now!
Alicia may not be from Queens but she still rocks the street cred. PLUS these have a wedge so you immediately look taller and thinner. While slamdunkin on the b-ball courts of course.
Orrrrrr when you’re visiting Vermont for the weekend – they even double as boots in the muddy grass.
#3 Fit Flops SUPER T in French Suede
These are fab because you get a WORKOUT while you walk! Think burning DOUBLE the calories on that trip to the park and back. You can get these on Amazon as well for $135.
I just ordered these myself so I don’t have a photo of myself in them yet – BUT you can be sure I’ll have some up on Instagram when I do get them. You can follow me here in anticipation.
I love this post a million times over! It’s all about the shoes here in the city and you have found yourself some FAB pairs!
that one pair is all you Allison! haha
Love it! I’ve been working on a sneaker post too, but you’re way more fashionable then I am. What’s even funnier is when I saw your Vermont pick the other day, I thought those shoes are cute!
Thanks! Seriously they’re like my favorite pair right now! You can really get creative with them!
Hey now, I rock my Converse on Madison Ave 😉 Only because it’s on the way to the playground… I cannot remember the last time I bought a pair of heels. Oh motherhood. Love this!
lol Jenny – me either! Gah!
White eyeliner?
haha – oh Kristin – those were the days!!!