One of the best things about living in NYC is that I can wake up in the morning and think – what haven’t we seen and what should we go explore today? Yes, I do have the best job in the world where I actually have to go and do this (twist my arm), but some days, spontaneous adventure is always the best.
Before Max, I was known to do these last-minute weekend trips. I would call up a friend and say pack a bag – we’re jumping in the Hummer and heading to….. DC, Niagara Falls, 7 Springs…. we went everywhere. Now that I am a mom (and carless) the trips aren’t as spread out. (Even though we DO take the occasional train to Baltimore or drive to Pittsburgh!) But that doesn’t mean I’ve limited my explorations. NYC is FULL of them.
One of the places that I drive over (yes, OVER) almost daily is Roosevelt Island. Last weekend I happened to actually peek down from the cab instead of checking my emails to see pops of pink lining the island and thought – this would be a fun walk for Maximo and I.
Roosevelt Island

“Where’s the Peace?” Walking to Roosevelt Island you’ll encounter tons of incredible street art in Queens.
Roosevelt Island is about a 45-minute walk from our house, so we trekked it getting some exercise and stopping at the local playgrounds and parks on the way. Now – I am going to play really naive here. Did you know that it’s named Roosevelt Island after President Franklin D. Roosevelt? #mindblown I know NYC has the FDR highway, and I’ve even traveled up to the Hudson Valley to see his home and grave, but all the years I’ve lived here I didn’t realize this entire island was for him as well.
Getting there: You can walk or drive in (only entrance is in Queens), take the F train or the tram. That’s it. So it’s tricky but worth it – because in a bustling city, this little slice of paradise is really not crowded.
What you’ll find: Pack a lunch. There aren’t a lot of eating options but they do have a Starbucks, Duane Reade and deli if you need supplies.
Cherry Blossoms and Four Freedoms
This weekend the blossoms will be in full bloom, so if you’re looking for something to do (and don’t want to partake in the crowds at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Main Cherry Blossom Festival) this is your place. The walk to Four Freedoms is lined with epic views of Manhattan and Queens with pink and white flowers encapsulating the sidewalks. You’ll see here also that they are doing some demolition – they’re about the expand the park for the summer (well, maybe next summer…)!
Four Freedoms is at the very point and worth the walk. Maybe it’s the cherry blossoms, but it reminds me a little bit of the monuments in DC. The white, pristine steps.
The long yard of trees.
And of course, these profound words from FDR himself. FYI – back it up to history a little bit. This park was developed around the famous Four Freedoms Speech that FDR delivered in 1941 at the State of the Union Address for his third term of presidency (he’s the only President in history to do a third term).
As America entered the war these “four freedoms” – the freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the freedom from fear – symbolized America’s war aims and gave hope in the following years to a war-wearied people because they knew they were fighting for freedom.
Powerful stuff right?
Coming Up This Summer
While we were there, we scooped up the events calendar – there are tons of great family-friendly (and also for the non-family person) coming up throughout the summer. Starting with the Cherry Blossom Festival this weekend, and I Love My Park Day on May 2nd. You can learn more about Four Freedoms Park here.
I’ve literally lived here my whole life and I’ve never gone, now I must take Mush on a local adventure